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Helping families make sure that their assets are passed on to the right persons on death by creating watertight wills

Ken Emmanuel, Wills Consultant
So you have not yet decided what is going to be included in your will.

Do you want to be buried or cremated?
Will you have to pay inheritance tax on your death?
Are there ways in which this can be mitigated?
Who will be your executors?
Who will look after your young children as guardians if they should be orphaned?
At what age will your young children inherit your assets?

These are all typical scenarios where you might not have the appropriate answers.

Would you like a will to be prepared that tackles all these problems and leaves you with the peace of mind that is so important?

Typical other concerns that may affect you:

What if you should lose capacity as a result of a stroke or developing dementia. How can you ensure that your bank accounts can be accessed by your next of kin.

The solution is for a Financial and Property Lasting Power of Attorney to be prepared in which you appoint an attorney or attorneys to manage your financial affairs if the worst should occur.

What if you should be coming to the end of your life and are being kept artificially alive or if you have an illness which means that you cannot be looked after in your home and have to go into a care home where problems might arise at any time.

The solution is to have a Health and Care Lasting Power of Attorney to be prepared in which your family can authorize doctors to turn off a life support machine or remove tubes from the stomach giving food and water or represent your interests in a care home.

Do you want to pay extra funeral costs which are going up year on year?

The solution is for a prepaid funeral plan from Golden Charter to be completed which restricts funeral costs to today’s prices and ensures that you will not pay more than necessary.

If one of your loved ones should die having left a will or having died without a will you will need to speak to an expert who can obtain probate or letters of administration.

If you are in need of a professional service dealing with any of the above situations please contact me. As a member of the Society of Will Writers which requires members to have in place professional indemnity insurance of £2 million and with 10 years of preparing over 2000 wills in that time


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